Does A Property Manager Have The Right To Evict A Tenant?

As a property manager, you know that evictions can be a difficult and emotional process. Did you know that over two million evictions take place in the United States each year? Understanding the rights and responsibilities of both tenants and property managers is essential for a successful eviction. In this article, you’ll learn about the […]

5 Multi-Location Property Management Challenges

Managing numerous properties at once is a balancing act that requires a professional team. But you can avoid the stress with an experienced multi-location management team with access to diverse solutions.

Managing numerous properties at once is a balancing act that requires a professional team. But you can avoid the stress with an experienced multi-location management team with access to diverse solutions. Below, our professionals at SWFL Commercial Group outlined some common property management challenges and their solutions.   #1 Appropriate Access for Each Multi-Site Property […]

Types of Property Managers

There are different types of property managers and each type has different roles to play in fulfilling the needs of the property owner. Get to know them.

Whether you own an office building, a strip mall, an apartment complex, or a single-family rental home, property managers provide hands-on, day-to-day management so you can focus on other priorities. Although their overall purpose is the same, property management firms may specialize in specific property types. Choosing the right type of manager ensures you get […]